Monday, October 23, 2006

Pindah Blog.. again

Berhubung satu (males) dan lain (males) hal.. supaya gampang updatenya, maka blog dipindahken ke sini.

Mudah-mudahan ndak bosen ya bacanya..

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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Merah Kuning Ijo

I'm no cake decorator, and to be honest I don't really know how to do that.. he he.. but one thing I know for sure, I looooovvvvee staring at those beautifully decorated cake, love to see how detailes are made, and make the cake is more than just a cake.
I admire cake decorators and for me, the biggest dream is to take one of those decorating school so I too can make those gorgeous piece of arts, or even become a decorator. So, in a way.. ha ha.. I dare my self to make this cake, well, making the cake should be no problem now.. he he.. and tried to decorated it. One thing I learned, that you must always always always make a plan of what kind of decoration you'll put on the cake before you start to decorate. And I didn't do that.. and after I finished, turned out the cake more looks like it was done by an 8 year old child.. ha ha..

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Friday, August 18, 2006

Durian Cake

It's durian season now in Jakarta. Hubby bought like too much durian and I just can't have anymore of them. There were tons left over in the fridge and all the sudden Hubby ask me to make him durian cake.
Jujur aja ye, sebelumnya beluuum pernah sekalipun gue bikin cake pake durian. Makanya pas disuruh bikin tu kue gue rada bengong juga..
"Bisa ga neeeh" Hubby said sambil cengar cengir
"Bisaaaaa dooong !!" *sok tau sambil rada bingung juga dikit.. he he*
"Ya udah tar siang udah jadi ya"
"No problem" *yeah right !!*
Lalu apa yang terjadi ??
Buru-buru deh buka-buka buku cari resep yang ntar jadinya kira-kira mirip ama cake durian ini. And thank GOD !! found one from Dapur Bunda. It's actually the recipe of Classic Cheese Cake, but I subtitute the cheese with durian. It's a butter type cake and it was made by separating the egg yolks with their white parts, so even it's a butter type, the cake is quite soft, and more importantly..
"Enak nih."
"Yang bener ??" *seakan tak percaya, masa iya sih segitunya cake buatan gue*
"Benerrr.. buatin satu lagi buat Ibu ya" *weeeeks* he he..
So then I made another one, but this time, it is a sponge cake. Udah lebih pede nih. Send it over to my mom in law this morning and she loved it. Yeeeyy..

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Sunday, August 06, 2006

Cotton Sponge Cake

Cake yang saya pake untuk buat Tiramisu saya buat dengan resep ini. This recipe had been my favourite cake recipe ever since I found it. It's quite easy, not as complicated as sponge cake.. at least I guess.. he he..the texture is soft, smooth and 'flufy', ga bikin enek gitu.. I got this recipe from a book titled : SPONGE CAKE, Selembut Kapas, the author is AMBARINI and published by Gramedia. I'll post the picture of this book latter..WEll, this is the recipe..
Bahan A :
60 gram mentega tawar
80 ml susu evaporated
80 gram tepung terigu protein rendah
1 butir telur
1/4 sendok teh vanili bubuk
sedikit / sejumput garam
Bahan B :
5 putih telur
120 gram gula pasir halus
1/8 sendok teh garam
1/2 sendok teh cream of tartar
Cara membuat :
1. Siapkan loyang, alasi dengan kertas roti, tidak perlu dioles.
2. Panaskan oven hingga bersuhu 160 derajat Celcius.
3. Campur mentega dan susu evaporated dalam panci, jerangkan di atas api kecil hingga hangat saja, angkat. Masukkan terigu, aduk rata, masukkan telur utuh, kuning telur, vanili dan garam, aduk rata hingga halus.
4. Kocok putih telur, cream of tartar, gula pasir dan garam, kocok hingga membentuk puncak tumpul, namun jangan terlalu kaku.
5. Masukkan adonan putih telur sedikit ke dalam adonan kuning telur, aduk rata. Kemudian masukkan adonan kuning telur tadi sedikit-sedikit sambil diaduk ke dalam adonan putih telur.
6. Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang yang telah disiapkan, masukkan ke dalam oven.
7. Panggang kurang lebih 40 menit hingga matang, kuning kecoklatan. Angkat.
8. Langsung keluarkan dari loyang dengan cara membalik cake, buang kertas rotinya, lalu dinginkan diatas rak kawat.

Happy baking.. Oiya, ini cake jadinya emang nggak 'tinggi' banget kayak sponge cake. tapi pori-pori nya halus banget, bahkan nyaris tanpa pori kalo aku bilang sih. Aku biasa pake loyang bulet dimeter 22 cm, dan untuk tiramisu itu, aku bikin 2 resep untuk 2 layer itu.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Ganache cake

This is the recipe for my earlier posting, the chocolate cake I was talking about. Finally, I have the time to post it. As I said, I got the recipe from 'Ragam Kudapan Coklat' a book of chocolate cake and snack recipes collection. Here it is..
Bahan cake
200 gram margarin
150 gram gula pasir halus
4 kuning telur
150 gram tepung terigu
40 gram coklat bubuk
1/2 sendok teh baking powder
2 sendok makan susu cair
4 putih telur
50 gram gula pasir
Bahan topping
60 gram mentega (aku pake margarin)
75 gram tepung gula
360 gram dark cooking chocolate
40 ml susu cair
200 gram mentega putih
1 sendok teh coklat pasta
Cara membuat
1. Cake : kocok margarin dan gula pasir halus sampai lembut. Masukkan kuning telur satu per satu sambil dikocok rata. Tambahkan tepung terigu, cokelat bubuk, dan baking powder, sambil diayak dan diaduk rata. Tuangkan susu, aduk rata, sisihkan.
2. Kocok putih telur sampai setengah mengembang. Masukkan gula pasir lalu kocok mengembang.
3. Tuang putih telur kocok sedikit demi sedikitkedalam adonan sambil diaduk rata.
4. Masukkan adonan ke dalam loyang bulat 18 cm, tinggi 7 cm yang sudah dioles margarin dan dialas kertas roti. Oven 40 menit dengan suhu 160 derajat celcius.
5. Topping : kocok mentega putih, mentega / margarin, dan tepung gula sampai lembut. Sisihkan. Tim dark cooking chocolate dan susu cair sampai larut. Setelah dingin, tuang ke dalam mentega sambil dikocok rata. Tambahkan cokelat pasta, kocok rata.
6. Penyelesaian : potong cake horisontal menjadi 2 bagian, oles dengan bahan topping. Tumpuk lalu tutup dengan potongan cake lainnya. Oles semua bahan cake dengan bahan topping, lalu hias dengan ornamen cokelat. Salam coklat selalu..

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Sunday, October 16, 2005

Chocolate cake to die for

Choc cake Choc cake close
I guess everyone has their moment of desperation. And mine, is with the chocolate sponge cake.. ha ha.. To be honest, I never had succeded making such spongy, moist chocolate cake using the methode of sponge cake recipe. Been asking to some friends's, browsing and looking for just a perfect composition so I could have all I ever wanted for chocolate cake. Hmmpfff.. this cake is really giving me a hard time..
But the more it's complicated, the more I like it.. I will never ever give up on this. I'll keep looking, keep searching, keep trying.. even keep fighting if I have to.. he he.. So this time I decided to try one recipe I found in one of my cooking book collection; Ragam Kudapan Coklat Sedap Sekejap published by PT. Media Boga Utama. Well, as all the butter cake type, I found the cake is not that spongy as I wanted to be. But softer than other butter type cake I used to make. Not bad at all.
Soft spongy moist chocolate cake.. I'm half way there !!

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Monday, October 10, 2005

Making ornament from chocolate

Having heard about this cute simple way to make ornament for cake decoration. I've been wondering if is it realy that simple, just melt the chocolate and let your imagination to draw any shape you want, then all the sudden you have your own creation to decorate your cake.. hmmmm..
Daripada terus penasaran, dan kebetulan I'm in 'project' to make hantaran for my mom in law, this morning I tried to make the chocolate ornament. And yep, it was that simple..
First, I melted the dark cooking chocolate, by placing them in a cup placed in another larger cup filled with boiled water. Then I put the melted chocolate into a decorating paper, and started to draw all the shape I want on a wax paper I layered earlier. Have them dry.
Few minutes later I was surprised by how easy those beautiful decoration made, and this ornament trully does become handy.. he he..
Ornamen coklat 2 Ornamen coklat Ornamen coklat 3

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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Chocolate coated cake

Wanna try to make something simple for cake decoration. So I try to make this chocolate coated cake with cookies on the topping.

the Cake itself is lapis surabaya jadi-jadian, berhubung lagi ngirit telur, layered with mocca butter cream filling. Bikin 2 layer, satu coklat satu plain. Cake ini masing-masing layer hanya menggunakan 6 telur. Jadi total hanya 12 telur.

Butter cream buat filling dan coating (sebelum disiram coklat) dibuat rasa mocca, biar nyambung ama tema coklat. Abis kalo dibuat rasa coklat kayaknya kurang bervariasi gitchu.

Setelah dioles butter cream, cake disiram dark cooking chocolate yang dicairkan, ditambah susu cair dan margarin.

Lapis sby irit telur Coated cake

Hiasan topping dibuat dari cookies, terus dikasih ornamen titik-titik diatas, dan tetesan white cooking chocolate yang dicairkan. Sebenernya bisa juga cookiesnya dicoating pake white cooking chocolate, tapi rasanya jadi terlalu manis menurutku, cake ama forstingnya udah manis banget.

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