Sunday, October 16, 2005

Chocolate cake to die for

Choc cake Choc cake close
I guess everyone has their moment of desperation. And mine, is with the chocolate sponge cake.. ha ha.. To be honest, I never had succeded making such spongy, moist chocolate cake using the methode of sponge cake recipe. Been asking to some friends's, browsing and looking for just a perfect composition so I could have all I ever wanted for chocolate cake. Hmmpfff.. this cake is really giving me a hard time..
But the more it's complicated, the more I like it.. I will never ever give up on this. I'll keep looking, keep searching, keep trying.. even keep fighting if I have to.. he he.. So this time I decided to try one recipe I found in one of my cooking book collection; Ragam Kudapan Coklat Sedap Sekejap published by PT. Media Boga Utama. Well, as all the butter cake type, I found the cake is not that spongy as I wanted to be. But softer than other butter type cake I used to make. Not bad at all.
Soft spongy moist chocolate cake.. I'm half way there !!

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Monday, October 10, 2005

Making ornament from chocolate

Having heard about this cute simple way to make ornament for cake decoration. I've been wondering if is it realy that simple, just melt the chocolate and let your imagination to draw any shape you want, then all the sudden you have your own creation to decorate your cake.. hmmmm..
Daripada terus penasaran, dan kebetulan I'm in 'project' to make hantaran for my mom in law, this morning I tried to make the chocolate ornament. And yep, it was that simple..
First, I melted the dark cooking chocolate, by placing them in a cup placed in another larger cup filled with boiled water. Then I put the melted chocolate into a decorating paper, and started to draw all the shape I want on a wax paper I layered earlier. Have them dry.
Few minutes later I was surprised by how easy those beautiful decoration made, and this ornament trully does become handy.. he he..
Ornamen coklat 2 Ornamen coklat Ornamen coklat 3

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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Chocolate coated cake

Wanna try to make something simple for cake decoration. So I try to make this chocolate coated cake with cookies on the topping.

the Cake itself is lapis surabaya jadi-jadian, berhubung lagi ngirit telur, layered with mocca butter cream filling. Bikin 2 layer, satu coklat satu plain. Cake ini masing-masing layer hanya menggunakan 6 telur. Jadi total hanya 12 telur.

Butter cream buat filling dan coating (sebelum disiram coklat) dibuat rasa mocca, biar nyambung ama tema coklat. Abis kalo dibuat rasa coklat kayaknya kurang bervariasi gitchu.

Setelah dioles butter cream, cake disiram dark cooking chocolate yang dicairkan, ditambah susu cair dan margarin.

Lapis sby irit telur Coated cake

Hiasan topping dibuat dari cookies, terus dikasih ornamen titik-titik diatas, dan tetesan white cooking chocolate yang dicairkan. Sebenernya bisa juga cookiesnya dicoating pake white cooking chocolate, tapi rasanya jadi terlalu manis menurutku, cake ama forstingnya udah manis banget.

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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Cake dengan mentega kocok

Biasanya aku bikin cake dengan cara ini kalo bikin lapis surabaya, yang resepnya menggunakan 10-15 kuning telur. Tapi kali ini, dapet resep dari tabloid SAJI dengan metode yang sama (mentega/margarin kocok), tapi penggunaan telurnya hanya 6 buah saja (telur utuh). Ini dia:
150 gram margarin
6 butir telur
175 gram gula pasir
1 sendok makan SP
150 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
20 gram tepung maizena
Cara membuat
1) Panaskan oven 180 derajat Celsius.
2) Kocok margarine selama 20 menit dengan kecepatan tinggi sampai lembut. Kemudian masukkan maizena sambil diayak dan diaduk rata.
Mentega kocok Step 2 _ add maizena
3) Kocok telur, SP dan gula pasir 15 menit dengan kecepatan tinggi sampai mengembang. Tambahkan tepung terigu sambil diayak dan diaduk rata.
Start mixing egg+sugar eggs+sugar, well mixed
4) Tambahkan kocokan telur sedikit demi sedikit kedalam kocokan margarin sambil diaduk perlahan hingga rata.
5) Tuang adonan ke loyang persegi 20 cm, tinggi 7 cm yang dioles margarin dan dialas kertas roti.
6) Oven 45 menit sampai matang.
fresh baked cake cake close up

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Sunday, October 02, 2005

Cake; other style

Finally, I had time to try one of these sponge cake recipe. I've been curious ever since I found it in my old decorating book. The mixing methode is different with all method I've tried.
Hasilnya, cakenya lembut, cuma menurut ku teksturnya lebih mirip sama Angel Cake.
One thing that make me happy, adonan telurnya jadi mengembang banget, dan nggak turun banyak waktu dicampur terigu dan mentega cair.
Apalagi waktu dioven, cake ini mengembang dengan bagus juga.
These are the pictures
Mix eggs Melted butter+coco New baked cake Closing up d'cake
I plan to decorate the cake and I will post the photo later.
Oiya, just one thing, resep cake jenis ini kayaknya lebih sedikit resiko gagalnya deh, dibandingkan dengan sponge cake. Ini dia resepnya :
6 kuning telur
100 gram gula halus
6 putih telur
100 gram gula pasir
1/4 sdt Cream of Tar Tar (optional)
150 gram terigu
1 sdm susu bubuk
1/4 sdt baking powder
100 gram margarin, cairkan
Cara membuat
1) Kocok kuning telur dan gula halus hingga lembut, sisihkan.
2) Kocok putih telur hingga naik, masukkan gula pasir sedikit demi sedikit, kocok terus hingga kaku.
3) Campur putih telur kocok kedalam kuning telur kocok sedikit demi sedikit, sambil diaduk perlahan.
4) Ayak tepung terigu+susu bubuk+baking powder kedalam campuran telur, aduk rata.
5) Masukkan margarin cair, aduk balik dari bawah keatas hingga rata.
6) Oven hingga matang.

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