Durian Cake

It's durian season now in Jakarta. Hubby bought like too much durian and I just can't have anymore of them. There were tons left over in the fridge and all the sudden Hubby ask me to make him durian cake. Jujur aja ye, sebelumnya beluuum pernah sekalipun gue bikin cake pake durian. Makanya pas disuruh bikin tu kue gue rada bengong juga..
"Bisa ga neeeh" Hubby said sambil cengar cengir
"Bisaaaaa dooong !!" *sok tau sambil rada bingung juga dikit.. he he*
"Ya udah tar siang udah jadi ya"
"No problem" *yeah right !!*
Lalu apa yang terjadi ??
Buru-buru deh buka-buka buku cari resep yang ntar jadinya kira-kira mirip ama cake durian ini. And thank GOD !! found one from Dapur Bunda. It's actually the recipe of Classic Cheese Cake, but I subtitute the cheese with durian. It's a butter type cake and it was made by separating the egg yolks with their white parts, so even it's a butter type, the cake is quite soft, and more importantly..
"Enak nih. Hmmm..mm"
"Yang bener ??" *seakan tak percaya, masa iya sih segitunya cake buatan gue*
"Benerrr.. buatin satu lagi buat Ibu ya" *weeeeks* he he..
So then I made another one, but this time, it is a sponge cake. Udah lebih pede nih. Send it over to my mom in law this morning and she loved it. Yeeeyy..
Mba, minta resepnya duong..pliiiisss
cake duren .. hmmm yummmyyy.. boleh dong share respnya
helo mbak, kalo saya biasa bikin cake durian dengan resep yang mentega ama gulanya dikocok dulu. namanya butter type ya kalo ga salah. terus kalo bikin dengan cara sponge cake itu gimana mbak ? supaya nggak bantet jadinya ?
Hi all !! pasti deh dipostingin resepnya, cuma belum sempet neehh. tunggu aja ya. thanks.
Mbak-mbak dan anonymous sekalian..he he.. resep sudah saya posting. tapi ga di blog ini. boleh visit to : http://asinanbogor.blogspot.com
See you there !!
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