Making ornament from chocolate
Having heard about this cute simple way to make ornament for cake decoration. I've been wondering if is it realy that simple, just melt the chocolate and let your imagination to draw any shape you want, then all the sudden you have your own creation to decorate your cake.. hmmmm..
Daripada terus penasaran, dan kebetulan I'm in 'project' to make hantaran for my mom in law, this morning I tried to make the chocolate ornament. And yep, it was that simple..
First, I melted the dark cooking chocolate, by placing them in a cup placed in another larger cup filled with boiled water. Then I put the melted chocolate into a decorating paper, and started to draw all the shape I want on a wax paper I layered earlier. Have them dry.
Few minutes later I was surprised by how easy those beautiful decoration made, and this ornament trully does become handy.. he he..
cute flowers!!
thanks candy. this is my first shot. really relieve me to have your comment.
sorry nih endah.. agak 'green' dalam hal per-kue-an..
jadi coklat lumernya di tuang ke kertas roti begitu? terus? ga jelas nih sampe sini.. susunannya bagaimana lagi?
thanks sebelumnya yah
Hi Ina. Coklat cairnya dituang dulu ke plastik segitiga (yang buat decoration), diemin sebentar biar ga terlalu lembek. Gunting ujung plastik, lalu semprotkan coklatnya dengan membentuk shape yang diinginkan, keatas kertas roti yang telah dilayer terlebih dahulu. Mudah-mudahan jelas ya. Thanks for coming by.
oooo.. ngerti deh sekarang..
thanks ya! ntar aku cobain
Hi Rebekka, it's fun too isn't it ? By the way, your cake pic is beautiful. Thanks for coming by.
Dear Endah
Thats a very nice way of making ornaments from chocolate.I loved it. Am a fellow cake lover from Botswana, Africa and browse the net to see and pick up new ideas from other cake lovers and makers.
Do pass by my blog whenever you can.
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