Merah Kuning Ijo

I'm no cake decorator, and to be honest I don't really know how to do that.. he he.. but one thing I know for sure, I looooovvvvee staring at those beautifully decorated cake, love to see how detailes are made, and make the cake is more than just a cake.
I admire cake decorators and for me, the biggest dream is to take one of those decorating school so I too can make those gorgeous piece of arts, or even become a decorator.
So, in a way.. ha ha.. I dare my self to make this cake, well, making the cake should be no problem now.. he he.. and tried to decorated it. One thing I learned, that you must always always always make a plan of what kind of decoration you'll put on the cake before you start to decorate. And I didn't do that.. and after I finished, turned out the cake more looks like it was done by an 8 year old child.. ha ha..
baru euy blognya.. ada tweety-nya sekarang.. hi hi
The cake would look nicer and more appetizing without the green icing...kurangkan warna hijaunya.. =))
Hallo teman2 dan kawan2 seperjuangan..
Selamat Idul Fitri dan hari raya lebaran, mohon maaf lahir dan batin, semoga kita semua semakin diberkati oleh yang Maha Kuasa.
Dalam rangka hari raya lebaran, marilah kita beramai2 membuat kue yang sedap dan uenak rasanya.
Silakan lihat website
jika ada yang tertarik untuk membuat kue.. yummmmyyyyyyyy
silakan juga mencoba untuk membuat takoyaki atau poffertjes bagi yang suka makanan jepang.
semoga membantu teman2 semua.. terima kasih atas perhatiannyaaa......
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